The Access Control Card Can be Copied, and The Community Access Control is a Display

Nowadays, the access control system for the gates of each community has become standard, however, many of these “iron generals” who seem to improve the safety factor have actually become “empty shelves”.

Recently, a reporter from "Legal Daily" surveyed and visited many communities and found that these communities have different levels of problems such as open doors, random security releases, access control failures, and poor cooperation from owners, even residents' access control cards can be easily copied. Many residents feel uneasy because of this, once the access control becomes a decoration and the community is not fortified, some criminals can enter and exit at will, waiting for opportunities to step on the spot to commit crimes, bringing greater hidden dangers to the security of the community.

The access card can be copied for tens of dollars

The owner's access control card is the "key" to open the access control system. But this "key" can easily be copied. Some owners reported that they had accidentally lost the access control card, and because they couldn't wait for the property company to reissue it, they spent ten to twenty yuan and copied one at the unlocking company and got it quickly.

The reporter consulted an unlocking company in Hefei on the grounds of losing the access card. The company claims that it can copy the access control card, but it will charge according to the number of copies, and the number is too small to accept orders. The reporter also found that not only can the access control card be copied in the unlocking company, but also the access control card copy device can be purchased online and copied by itself. According to a Taobao seller, the duplicator sold has developed an Mifare card decryption program, even if the community access control card and elevator card are encrypted, it only takes a few minutes to read and write cards and copy the cards. And such a machine is less than 100 yuan, and the cost is not high.

According to industry insiders, ID cards and M1 cards are common for access control cards, among them, there is only one physical number in the ID card, and some do not even write the physical number, which is the least difficult to crack and the most common. M1 card can store limited information and encrypt it, and is mostly used to make hotel room cards. At present, CPU cards are more difficult to crack on the market, which are mostly used to make bank cards, because their cost is higher than ID cards and M1 cards, they are rarely used to make access control cards.

With the development of technology and actual needs, the property company should continuously upgrade the access control system, improve the encryption level of the access control card, and increase the security index of the community. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify whether the business of copying access control cards belongs to the unlocking business or the electronic sales business, on the basis of clarifying the scope, clarify the responsibilities of the management department and the responsibilities of the practitioners, and strengthen industry supervision and industry self-discipline.

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