Fcard Electronics Helps the Multi-Directional Intelligent Development of Canteen Consumption Machines

Introduction: With the continuous accelerated development of industrial industry and enterprise construction, the traditional canteen consumption meal ticket system and management model cannot meet the needs of new economic development. The canteen consumption machine based on the one card pass satisfies new development needs, it has the advantages of high efficiency, convenience and reliability, and is sought after by enterprises and schools.

Up to now, the canteen consumption machine based on the one card pass is no stranger to everyone, and most of the time we will use the canteen consumption machine. In the original canteen consumption machine started with a single consumption function, in the continuous adaptation of technological progress, innovative development, consumption machines have become closer to people's experience. Intelligentization in consumption machines has gradually become the mainstream, and it is also the goal of future canteen consumption machine intelligent development. One card pass device R&D and manufacturer Fcard Electronics assists the multi-directional intelligent development of canteen consumption machines:

1. The pain points of consumption machine and development

Today's canteen consumption machines are intelligent, how can a good product attract consumers' attention? In the early stage of the development of consumption machines, because consumption machines only had a single settlement function, many administrators faced the increase in consumption data, in the process of processing, we are often faced with how to effectively count the consumption quota, how to know the statistics of the number of diners, etc.? Based on this pain point, many manufacturers are now improving this demand, just as the Fcard electronic canteen consumption machine has added three working modes, standard consumption, fixed consumption, and menu consumption modes, and humanized voice reminders have been added. The individual characteristics of the standard consumption model fundamentally solve the problem of difficult statistics for administrators.

2.Consumption machines and intelligence

Today, the canteen consumption machine is intelligent, the canteen consumption machine is no longer limited to the problem of card checkout, and the diversity of consumption machine functions has also become a part of consumption machine intelligence. The traditional canteen consumption machine makes the administrator's work more arduous, when it is necessary to print the invoice, in many cases, the traditional consumption machine cannot print the small ticket, and the small ticket is an important voucher for issuing the invoice. That is to say, in the case of traditional consumption machines, the issuance of vouchers still requires manual accounting. This greatly increases the management work of some administrators. Based on this pain point, smart consumption machines have been developed to this day, Fcard Electronics has assisted the multi-directional intelligent development of canteen consumption machines, innovatively integrated receipt printing functions into consumption machines, and added small functions such as points functions and automatic subsidies to them, administrators can reduce manual accounting and other work, which is convenient.

3. The combination of consumption machines and wireless interconnection

The key point of the intelligentization of consumption machines lies in the application of Internet technology, canteen consumption machines operate offline, in the era of mobile internet, the Internet has gradually become a bright spot in technological applications. Similarly, the development of canteen consumption machines also needs to keep pace with the times. Fcard Electronics is helping the multi-directional development of canteen consumption machines, with the tide of interconnection, canteen consumption machines join wireless network technology, which makes it convenient for administrators to make statistics and planning on consumption in real time.

The canteen consumption machine based on the one card pass is constantly advancing towards smarter in the course of innovation and development, today, with the multi-faceted development of consumption machines, it will bring new experiences to enterprises and corporate administrators.

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