Campus Security Management Becomes a New Field of Access Control System

Introduction: Recently, a face recognition access control system of a student apartment in a domestic university continued to ferment on the Internet, the introduction of face recognition technology into our lives has triggered people's attention and discussion on face recognition access control. It is reported that the face recognition access control can achieve the purpose of unlocking and opening the door by quickly recognizing the face, thereby protecting the personal and financial safety of students.

1. Campus safety has become a hot spot

As we all know, due to the open nature of university campuses, there are not a few social personnel who freely enter and exit the campus, it is reported that security incidents in universities have occurred from time to time in recent years, and most of the incidents concerning the theft of valuables of students originate from outsiders, because some university apartments are not equipped with surveillance or there is no security patrol and other reasons, so that outsiders can easily enter the student apartment. Security accidents such as campus theft are naturally prone to occur, and campus security has become a hot topic in social conferences.

2. New field application of access control system

As campus security has become a social hot spot, some campuses with better security generally enter the student apartments through a one card pass to prevent outsiders from entering the student apartments at will. With the advancement of science and technology, face recognition technology and biometric technology are developing rapidly, and new access control systems with facial recognition and other functions are deployed in university student apartments to make the campus safer. It is reported that the face recognition access control system will collect student face images and use the camera to collect the three-dimensional face of the face, the data is stored in the encrypted background, when the access control is executed, the machine will recognize the face and confirm the identity of the student, if the access control is enabled, if it is not for the students in the dormitory building, they will not be able to pass, and the security is guaranteed.

3. Campus safety must be managed in multiple ways

Campus security is guaranteed in the continuously upgraded access control system, but campus administrators also need to combine other aspects of security, in addition to the application of face recognition access control, video surveillance, access control systems, and dormitory gates, strengthening security patrols is also an important guarantee for ensuring campus safety. Only by multi-faceted management of campus security can campus thefts and other security incidents be better prevented, and only then can students have a truly safe life on campus. We also hope that campus life will continue to be valued in social hot spots and that more security technologies can be applied to campuses.

In terms of the new technology of face recognition, the access control system guarantees the safety of campus, face recognition access control is also widely used in the management of enterprises, communities, construction sites, etc., to ensure the safety of all parties in and out. As device becomes more intelligent, more secure and intelligent identification technology will also be applied to our lives in the future, contributing to safety.

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