What do we need to pay attention to about the Access Control Board?

The Access Control Board is the hardware core of the access control system. Its quality and performance directly affect the stability of the entire access control system. As the core data processing and storage part, the Access Control Board undertakes the functions of setting card access and access rights, monitoring the status of entrances and exits, recording access control events, and important functions linked to other systems such as alarms and fire protection systems throughout the access control system.

As the access control system plays an increasingly important role in the security management of enterprises, the traditional mechanical door lock management has been unable to adapt to the safe management of modern life. Its demand performance is as follows:

1.Improve safety:

The Access Control Board categorizes the designated areas and manages the time-based rights, restricts the relevant personnel from entering the important areas at will, determines the passage level and the allowed passage time according to the position and work nature of the staff, and manages some important areas such as bank vaults. The subway control room is equipped with multiple access modes to meet the better security requirements of the area and prevent internal theft.

2.Improve management efficiency:

Through the central management center to understand and set the status of each access point in real time, reduce the cost of personnel patrol. Access Control Board can record events in real time, making it easy for companies to produce various personnel management reports such as attendance and scheduling.

Access Control Board fire alarm linkage

3.Can integrate with other systems:

Access Control Board can integrate a unified security platform with fire protection and alarm systems to achieve accident warning and prevent various dangers. When a disaster occurs, the system can automatically open the gate set in the control area to facilitate personnel escape. Combined with the monitoring system, the access control system can automatically switch the photographic images and monitor and record the parts that need to be monitored.

From FCARD News: http://www.pc15.net/view_2797.html

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