2026 global biometric vehicle Access Control System market size will reach 1.966 billion US dollars

In 2017, the market value of the global biometric vehicle Access Control System market reached nearly 515 million US dollars, and is expected to reach nearly 1.966 billion US dollars by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 16.0%. The successive introduction of legislation on biometric systems and the increase in vehicle production in emerging markets are the core reasons driving the market's boom. However, biometric systems are extremely expensive and the performance of the Internet is increasing. These two factors will further reduce the risk of cyber attacks, which will adversely affect the growth of the market. In addition, if the need for security features and convenient technology can be enhanced, this will provide opportunities for growth in this market.

Access Control System

The Biometric Vehicle Access Control System is an automatic vehicle Access Control System device that opens the door based on the user's behavioral characteristics. The device can be used to authenticate and identify the manual Access Control System, which enhances the vehicle's anti-theft security, comfort and protection for the owner.

Access Control System

At present, the market has introduced multiple versions of biometric vehicle Access Control System, such as face recognition, voice authentication and fingerprint verification. It is easy to use, safe, reliable and easy to operate. It requires almost no access control to verify the high security of the access control system. Sex.

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