Access Control System Will Be The Leader In Security Industry In The Future

With the development of technology, we must advance with the times and use a new eye to look at the word. The family mostly use traditional mechanical locks、anti-theft door in the past, however, in recent year, with the improvement of thief skill, the safety is less than past. Recently, “Access Control System”just like a dark horse to broke into people’s eyes, open a new situation in the home security market, the huge security industry is means that the bright future of “family access control system”

Electronic access control will replace the traditional mechanical lock and become the inevitable development trend of community security in the future

In high residential, it is easy to enter from park lot or come with card holders in parking lot. The traditional mechanical locks must need to update. It is a new step of electronic access control Locks replace the traditional mechanical locks, it also can be said that the electronic access control locks couldn’t be opened by general people in a short term, the electronic access control lock replace the traditional lock will be popular in near future. But Electronic access control lock just a product, it cannot give 100% guarantee. Therefore, make it still opened when in troubles is a study to security industry company. In the market of electronic products, communication and electronic access control products are more popular with people, the security products are not because of the small market.

Security products need to promote to ordinary families, security doors market is as big as the household door market

From the perspective of current market: If you want to enter communication and home application market you need to invest above 10 million yuan and you just occupy a very small market, maybe you still to faced the market risk; you must invest 100 million yuan above when you want to occupy a large market, the profit is not very ideal. the security products are not popular with people because of the small market. The large scale company in security industry just about 10% of communication and home application company, however, access control system and video surveillance will be not smaller than it when security industry published in general family.

How big of the security door market is the same as the access control system market as well. It have 300 million peoples in china, richer who willing to install the access control system account for little amount, Precise estimate is ten percent, it means that have 30 million peoples need above requirements and the market is enough big. video surveillance and access control system are the high products in security industry, the estimate of practical requirements can be decline to 1% of 300 million peoples,3 million sets, this also a large numbers. So access control system and video surveillance are the big market which still need to developed, if you open it, it will inexhaustible to you

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